A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand

Getting your child to help you out at home can be challenging. I know that Adam really enjoys getting his toys out but is reluctant in putting them away! Adam is only three so I need to remind myself to not be too hard on him but having simple rules in place is essential for the future. +

I Could Live on These


I discovered I had a cow’s milk allergy a couple of years ago so I’ve been dairy-free ever since. At first, it was difficult. You wouldn’t believe the amount of things I was eating that had milk in it. I didn’t think I could do it until I discover the freefrom aisle in my local supermarket. +

11 Pipers Piping


11 days down, only 1 to go! 53.4 miles down, only 6.6 to go!


I can’t believe I only have one day left to run. Today’s was a lovely 2.5 miles from my home to the pipe stall in Durham Market. My support today was Ross, Val and my mate Miller. Thanks again guys! Chris (Miller) had planned to run the 2.5 miles on the 7th day but was ill so I was over the moon he could make it today. +

10 Lords Leaping


10 days down, 2 to go! 50.9 miles down, 9.1 to go!


I now have single figure miles to run and what a great feeling it is. Todays run was tough, very tough. Martin was fantastic today, he kept me going. I forgot how many banks were involved in this run and it sucks the energy out of you. We made our way to Lord Hire Centre in Durham to celebrate 10 Lords Leaping. We got our photo taken and then had to make our way back! +