We bought our first house and took on a mortgage over 15 years ago. Wow! Time sure flies. From that day, we both took out critical illness and life insurance. +
Tag Archives: health
Happy New You
We all caught a bug over Christmas but it didn’t stop us all having a good time. As I entered the gym after a two week break, a few ideas ran through my head and I’d like to share them with you today. +
Little Things Are Big
My blog turned five back in August and since then, I’ve been reflecting on a few things. Why did I even start blogging and what have I learnt along the way? +
I Am Now Upright
I’ve been using a fantastic little device called UPRIGHT GO. It’s been my own personal posture trainer and I’ve gone from being a slouch to being upright in only a matter of weeks! +
Improving Your Overall Health
If you currently have health issues or your family has history, you should take certain steps now to improve your overall health. +
Age Is Just A Number
When I was around thirteen, I can remember my Uncle turning 40 and he seemed so old! Now here I am knocking on the door of 40 and I’m writing this to tell you why I think age is just a number. +
Posture Perfect
I must spend 5 hours plus, Monday to Friday sitting at my computer desk. It’s not ideal I know! Over the next three weeks, I’m going to be testing and talking about a great little gadget called UPRIGHT GO. It’s my very own personal posture trainer!
3 Ways To Train Mental Fitness
Whilst fitness is widely associated with our physical health, it is evident that maintaining our mental fitness and therefore mental health is equally as important. Statistics from the NHS show that 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer from a mental illness, with groups such as young women and those receiving benefits particularly at risk. +
How Can We Improve Our Relationship With Sport And Health Education?
Physical Education is something that every child in the UK can enjoy, or, endure, whilst they’re at school. But, often a less valued part of the curriculum, sports can sometimes fall by the wayside, and children are allowed to settle into the sedentary existence that has become so familiar to a generation who’ve been brought up surrounded by screens. +
Improving Your Eye Health
My background is graphic design so I’ve spent many a year in front of a computer screen. I recently had an eye test for two reasons. One, to support my little boy with his eye test and two, my eyes were starting to feel tired on an evening. +