Don’t Forget The Clocks!


October is the time of year, when the clocks change and the amount of available light is reduced. This can have an impact on training schedules, with routes and routines being tweaked to take advantage of lighting. While these changes are taken in their stride by experienced fitness folk, one element that can be harder to amend, is your sleep cycle. +

Martial Herbs


I had an email back in October asking if I’d like to review some products from Martial Herbs. I said yes but with all the work I had on and the training for Christmas, it may be some time before it goes live. So apologies for the delay Sam but here it is. I hope it’s worth the wait! +

A Faster Recovery


While working out effectively is very important if you are looking to change your fitness and body shape, rest and recover is crucial as well. Sometimes it can be easy to overlook the importance of rest and ensuring you receive the proper nutrients when carrying out a fitness regime. Sadly, regular overlooking of these elements will lead to injury or a failure to improve your fitness. This means that you need to start paying attention to your post exercise recovery regime. +