Running for Good

Running for Good

I came across a fitness blog the other day and I got a mention!


Tina Reale runs Best Body Fitness and she has a Saturday Shares page. If you scroll down to the heading ‘Reflect & Grow’ you’ll see next to ‘Use running for good?’ is my charity Christmas challenge. How nice is that? It’s great to see so many people supporting this challenge. The obvious aim of it all is to raise money for Percy Hedley but it seems to be developing into more than that. +

Pier To Pier Success!

Pier to Pier Success

Yesterday I completed my first Pier To Pier run so I thought I’d do a quick write-up as it’s fresh in my head.


Firstly, the race was fantastic! Secondly, it was very well organised so I have to say a huge thank-you to both the Sunderland Strollers and the South Shields Harriers. +