A regular eating pattern is an important part of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Research has shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to be a healthy weight. Also, eating three meals a day enables you to eat a wider variety of foods, which makes it easier for you to get all the nutrients you need for good health.
The Eatwell plate
Eating and drinking fewer calories doesn’t mean that you have to count them. I’m interested in the quality of the foods I eat, as well as the amount. The Eatwell plate shows the best proportion of foods, from the five food groups, for healthy eating.
So try to eat:
- Plenty of fruit and vegetables
- Plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta
- Other starchy foods, choose wholegrain
- Varieties whenever you can
- Some milk and dairy foods
- Some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other
- Non-dairy sources of protein
- Just a small amount of foods and drinks high in fat and / or sugar
In essence, this is healthy eating. Eating these types of foods will make sure you get the right balance of vitamins and minerals. It also provides lots of starch and fibre, keeping the bowels healthy. Keeping fat and sugar down to reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers, weight gain and dental problems.
Healthy eating for weight loss however, means not only eating the right balance of food but also a suitable amount of food. Even if you think you are already eating very healthily, it may be that your portions are too large.